Trev White’s education

Open University (OU)

Instead of failing a lower qualification I decided to fail a higher one. As it turned out, I didn’t fail. In addition, besides being hard going, learning was enjoyable. Additionally, my employer (Lucas) funded most of the courses.

Additionally, I became an active OU Students Association member. OUSA has changed since but I was busy on the local branch, the regional body (Branch Coordinating Committee), attended conference each year and represented OUSA at residential schools.

When I first started, the local tutorial class started a self help group and many continued and selected the same courses.

Nearly all coursework was printed and posted to us but now most is presented on-line. I preferred the ‘old’ way.

My OU Courses

T189 Digital photography: creating and sharing better images (2008)

A173 Start writing family history (2006)

TT280 Web applications: design, development and management (2004)

A103 An introduction to the humanities (2002)

T171 You, your computer and the net (2000)

D103 Society and social science: a foundation course (1998)

U208 Third world development (1997)

U206 Environment (1996)

M205 Fundamentals of computing (1995)

DT200 Introduction to information technology: social & technological issues (1994)

T102 Living with technology: a foundation course (1993)

Delhurst Road Infants

Great Barr Juniors

Great Barr Comprehensive 1

Further Education

Walton Hall
Open University

Views of the OU campus