Trev White’s education

Trev White’s education

I went to schools that didn’t change their names every other year according to grand government plans. Our parents had little choice in where we went and it was usually the closest available school to where we lived. This meant we could walk, hop or run there or use a bus and later cycle there or play marbles on the way. A very green strategy. It was only when we got to take the 11 plus examination that there were choices - a comprehensive school or a Grammar school. As you will see, I went to a Comprehensive.

Delhurst Road Infants School
My first school had a sandpit in the playground next to the classroom for us newcomers. I spent my first day under the teachers desk since I was a shy lad. Other than that I don’t remember much about the first day or, come to that, any other days.

In the later years here, we were introduced to sword dancing - not something you would think of deep in the heart of England.

NB. No longer an infants school but, last I heard, used by Great Barr School.

Delhurst Road Infants School,
Delhurst Road,
Great Barr,

Arial view of Delhurst Road Infants School

Delhurst Road Infants

Delhurst Road Infants: Class of 1954

I know the faces and would like some help remembering the names. If you can help please get in touch - use the Query Form, add the Query No “C001” and enter names. Include an email address so I can get in touch.

Some names: Mrs Thomas ?, Richard Harrison, Peter Foulkes, Michael Barber, Daniel Phillips, Annette Wheeler, Angela Burgess, Margaret Poulton, Linda ?, Murray Hill, Norman ?, Lesley ? David ? William Daniels? …

Great Barr Juniors

Great Barr Comprehensive

Further Education