Trev White’s education

Birmingham College of Art & Design

Technical Illustration

This was in the pre-computer age so we used drawing boards, pencils, Rapidographs, ellipse guides, art board (CS10), tracing paper, Cow Gum, scalpels, razor blades, air brushes, water colours and sable brushes (without tiger tails) and other implements/tools. We became skilled in the work and most of us actually made a living out it.

See to
find out more about illustrating. We, of  
course, laboured away by hand.

The older ones amongst you may remember
the Eagle comic with the great cut-a-ways
by  Leslie Ashwell Wood - those were illustrations.

We discovered the world of perspective with
numerous vanishing points, dimensionally
accurate, in black & white or colour.

We had Mr Vincent for most of the tutoring
and Mr ‘Bing’ Crosby specialising in the air
brush. ‘Bing’ was reputedly the guy who
added the wings to BSA.

Some tools of the trade

Illustrations and words by Trev published by Girling
 in their
G202 Maintenance Manual